Slow page times translate into lower page views, it’s a fact. Luckily, we’ve got the experience to help increase website speed. A few common factors contributing to slow page load times include:

  • Use of large images
  • Bloated code and/or framework
  • Saved drafts and revisions
  • Orphaned tables in your database

The list goes on. In our experience, we’ve improved the overall speed on average of 30% for our clients, in turn raising overall page view totals by an average of 17%.

There are numerous plugins developed to reduce the size of your database such as WP Sweep, but we have yet to find one that truly gets rid of old and unnecessary data. It’s important to remove all orphaned data because it can cause problems down the road. We were recently contacted to resolve a situation where the client’s site was being suspended by their hosting provider for violating the TOS. A row in the wp_postmeta table was causing the site to get hung up, in turn exhausting the hosting account’s designated bandwidth. None of the popular plugins we tried before going in manually picked it up.

Large images in terms of filesize (think kiloybytes and megabytes) not only take longer to load, but they also increase your bandwidth use which can create issues with your hosting provider.
Services included in our Performance package include:

Access to our WP Rocket “Infinite” license for 1 year. Includes basic version updates as they’re released from WP Rocket at no additional charge. View all the features included with WP Rocket.

Lossless image optimization for all photos in your /wp-content/uploads/ folder.

Ensure image thumbnail sizes are set to the proper dimensions. WordPress, your theme, and many plugins require multiple image thumbnail sizes which are dictated by the layout and design of your website. As an example, if the dimensions in WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display > Single product image are set too small, the images on your single product pages will appear blurry due to being stretched beyond their original width and/or height. Once we’ve ensured the dimensions are set to their proper size, we perform lossless compression and then replace the existing images on the server.

Compressed and minified HTML/CSS/JS files
Speed tests will be performed before, during, and after the process is complete so you can get a good idea of how much improvement was made. Please contact us for a free in-depth analysis report on how we can improve your website speed.